
About UAEGD Standard

UAE Good Delivery (UAEGD) is a standard that provides a framework for the gold sector, in line with international best practices. It covers quality and technical specifications of refineries and gold production facilities in the UAE. The standard strengthen UAE’s position as a global gold, jewellery and bullion trade hub, enhance the competitiveness of the products from UAE gold refineries and gold sector participants and facilitate the access of UAE refineries and other UAE gold sector participants to global markets by adopting best international practices, strengthen governance and regulation of the UAE gold sector.

UAE Good Delivery is operated by the Executive Office – UAE Bullion Market Committee which is chaired by the Ministry of Economy. The Emirates Bullion Committee will work hard to raise awareness about the importance of the UAEGD and encourage all relevant stakeholders to meet these standards. The Emirates Bullion Market Committee is committed to working with all stakeholders across the value chain in the gold sector because in our view, working together is the most beneficial for the industry.

Chairman's message

Welcome to the website !

On behalf of Emirates Bullion Committee, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to UAE Good Delivery website, and we would like to capitalize on the current opportunities within the sector to drive global growth from the United Arab Emirates. The United Arab Emirates maintains its position as a global trading hub for gold, the Cabinet approved a Federal Gold Policy to ensure that the best governance, sustainability and innovation practices are in place.

The UAE Good Delivery is one of other innovations that have taken place and we are working on many more. We strongly urge you to revisit this website regularly as we make further updates and announce new initiatives.

Chair of Emirates Bullion Committee

excellency Dr. Thani Ahmed Al zeyoudi

Independent Governance Committee Members

Physical Governance Committee Members

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UAEGD Products


UAE GD Silver Membership


UAE GD Gold Membership


EBC Approved Reviewer Application Form


EBC Approved Reviewer List


EBC Rules for RBDG


EBC UAEGD Accreditation Rules


UAEGD New Memberships or Renewals Form


Application Form

EBC UAEGD Accreditation Rules


UAE GD Membership Validity

Auditors Application Form

Approved Reviewers List

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